Lyn's Things

By Abzquine

Morning trees

View from my bedroom, shows that even this morning was pretty and it stayed that way all day too.

Wanted to write a little bit more about my week so far. Its been an odd one, I have had some real lows followed by small highs but the overall feel has been low. Perhaps its been a result of both feeling under the weather and basically worn out. I know I have been overdoing work again, I think I am doing good as I get extra done but all that happens is that I get worn down and get less done which defeats the purpose.

I've been trying to open up more to people, sometimes I succeed but this week I have failed massively. I have felt more isolated and glum (for want of a better word). It's always been easier for me to push people away than try and talk about things, I'm no good at talking. I am trying to talk, and Blip has helped me, putting my thoughts out there for anyone to read.

I attended a funeral yesterday, it was a relative of hubbys but it got me thinking about things. Perhaps I have a morbid mind but I wondered how my life would be summed up, what would define my life etc. I also thought I would really like The Flaming Lips played at mine, this song sums it up beautifully.

Anyway 'nuff about me, laters gaters!

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