Back-garden blackbird
We were at my in-laws today where we spent most of the afternoon in-doors thanks to the rain. I'd taken my camera and tele' with me in the optimistic hope that the rain would abate, but that only seemed to make matters worse!
Nevertheless, as I happened to have the long tele on me I decided to make the best of a bad situation and at least get some practice with the lens, shooting the poor wet birds through patio door windows. Most of those pictures came out pretty much as you'd expect with a camera cranked up to ISO 1000-odd shot through double-glazing while it's raining.
Fortunately, during a lull in the rain, this blackbird decided that the lawn would be a great place to hunt for worms. He's a common visitor to the in-laws gardens, so wasn't too shy about getting close to the patio window. He eventually got his worm too, so he's had a Good Friday.
- 1
- 0
- Nikon D80
- f/7.1
- 400mm
- 800
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