
By disdatdudda

"doch dyn plicht"... (indeed!)

time to own up...

it was never meant to be an adventure not really. i was carried away by everybody's enthusiasm thinking it would be... well, you know what's like.

and although it can't be compared to my son's amazonian.adventure (that included catching a piranha!! - well that's what he claims anyway) we musn't underestimate the dangers that can be encountered on motorways. (extortionate conveniences & potholes for a start!?)

So time to own up: we came here only...to paint the sheds!? yes, that's it really...
So now that you know it, i can get on with my very own "doch dyn plicht"*, thank you very much!

see you ...

*my favourite frisian proverb that roughly translated means: "get on with painting the sheds regardless of any expectations"

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