Haircut Day

Yes, that time of the year again, haircut day. Which means a trip to the Groom Room and a good shearing.

Punctuated by ... a trip to the airport to drop mother-in-law off, lots of work and meetings, and then around the friends to pick the kids up and have fush and chups and red wine for dinner. A rare treat (?) for us.

The big news of the day? Canon called. "Hi, my name is Gary and I am the service manager for Canon NZ, its apparent you?re not very happy with our service". Me, "No". Gary "well, I understand why and I do have to apologise ..." Another 10 minutes of conversation. Anyway, upshot of this all, is that my camera was shipped back to the dealer today (fixed), who will then onwards ship it to me. Because of the 4 day weekend here I should have it by Tues/Wed next week.

That's great, but it is a little disappointing I had to be literally a "toxic customer" to get this result. I advised Gary how I thought they could do better. Can you believe it, 800-1000 repairs per month for Canon NZ alone. Do they just have a lot of cameras out there, or are they all bad?

Anyway, a good result, bloody unfortunate I had to be obnoxious.

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