
By mar

I'm your dentist & I get off on the pain ...

I am your dentist and I get off on the pain I inflict. I thrill when I drill a bicuspid. It's swell though they tell me I'm maladjusted...
Orin Scrivello - Little Shop Of Horror

What a Wednesday After doing the school run, I spent the morning worrying about my looming dentist appointment. It's funny - when you book an appointment months in advance you sort of just forget about it. In my mind, I still have weeks to go. But no. And to make matters worse, I stupidly mentioned to @jiminthemorning from BBC Shropshire radio about it and it turned into one of this mornings topic. Now who here *really* wants to hear about the man who pulled his own teeth out with pliers (and whiskey) or the other man who has to go to the hospital for Valium for his appointment right before going to their own dentist? Any takers? No? Didn't think so. And if I was half smart, which clearly I'm not, I would have turned the station off.

Our dentist recently moved and is actually a lot closer to me now so I was able to walk there today. Ok, granted, not the nicest weather but at least I walked it. And with views like these, can you really blame me? I do love my town.

The dentist wasn't as bad as Orin - he actually is a great book-loving guy who doesn't talk much. Although for some reason he always finds my fear laughable. Like today when I sort of freaked that my one eye was looking in and the other was normal, he laughed and said this was normal. Funny, I don't remember having this issue the last three decades of going to the dentist. But the eye calmed down and he fixed two of my teeth. Sadly, it looks like one might need to be extracted. When I asked what he would replace it with, he sort of just looked at me. So I looked back, and waited for an answer. Nothing. My only response was 'Well something needs to go there because I'm not buying a blender and I like meat.' He just laughed. I still don't know the answer.

Then I met with the Evil Hygentist who happened to be in a really good mood. Normally *everyone* gets told off by her and the fact that your family has a history of soft enamel and bone issues is not her concern. But today, I received a smile (thinking about it, she was probably laughing at my wonky eye which still wasn't right) and permission to take a photo for Charlotte to see the new office.

In other news, received the most-needed letter to finalize my A1 portofolio yesterday, only to find she put the wrong name. Seriously banging my head on the wall at this point but am not going to let it worry me. There is just going to have to be a 2 week delay now. No big thing in the realm of things.

Charlotte came home with a Henna tattoo today. It looked like bird droppings until it fell off.

And that has been my day. Can't wait for the night.

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