
That precious moment betwixt night and dawn
When all is still
And calm
Just you and me
A light flicks on
The world begins to stir
A yawn
A stretch
A sleepy mumbled 'I love you'
All goes on behind closed curtains
And you and me
We walk
We listen to the birds as they wake
We look at the dew drops on minute blades of grass
We marvel at the moon waning
His night watch over
As the sun starts her climb into day
Golden hues
No, apricot, begin to spread
From a hazy horizon
Whilst over my shoulder I can
See navy blue fade to lilac
Stars twinkle
Clouds move
And suddenly a burst of light
The sun has clambered her way
Above the trees
Above the rooftops
Her warmth not yet apparent, but
A promise
And we stand
Shoulder to knee
And we wonder at
The privilege of what we have just
And with smug smiles we continue
Home to our sleepy
A cup of tea
Electric lights
And toothbrushes
Another day has sprung.

It didn't feel like Autumn today. The warm scent of tomatoes (not mine) and basil (mine) made me feel like I was back in the middle of summer.

The cold, dark, dawn walk a distant memory.

Thank you so much for your kind comments yesterday. They did help. Today I am another step along the path. I have written a letter, which has soothed me somewhat and poetry (however bad) seems to help too.

So now I'm off to watch a bit of tele and then early to bed.

Two more days of term and I can relax for a while.




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