Wet & Waiting

I was safely under cover, sheltering under the overhang of one of the buildings in the plaza at the Bank of Ireland HQ in Baggot Street, but this guy took a sudden notion to stop his lunchtime wet and rainy dash back to work and look back where he'd come from. Meanwhile, his companion took the sensible option and continued the dash for cover.

The weather change from yesterday to today was quite dramatic: cold, wet, miserable rather than mild and bright - all very strange. We began the second half of our cardiac rehab course this morning, and it was most unusual to be looking out at rain dropping into puddles on the rooftop outside the window. Even more unusual was the fact that I wasn't able to walk to the hospital because of the rain, and this was only the second morning in the past five weeks when that's happened. Actually, I would have taken the car even if the sun had been brightly shining, since I had an appointment out in Swords for 11.00 am.

As soon as I got out of bed I resigned myself to either a black & white or an indoor blip today. When I got to the bank amid the lunchtime rain I decided to get some rainy shots in the can in case no indoor inspiration struck later on. Just as well I did.

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