Prawn Broker

Colder morning, not many people about on the hill this morning. Juno and I just strolled along into the biting wind, taking a more sheltered route than normal.

Work was good, made better with a Mosque lunch with a fine collection of blippers. Good chat and fun, thanks everyone.

Walked home in the sleety rain, is this the start of the forecast snow?

Was going to pop over to the allotment, when we got a phonecall for a friend who had a carrier bag full of fresh prawns, 'Did we want some?'. Only one answer.

Nipped over to the allotment so put some seedlings in the greenhouse as they were growing too fast in the house, hope they survive.

Came back and cooked the prawns and had several neighbours round to share the harvest. The taste great, will make something with them for tea tomorrow.

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