Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

A problem for Mr Pheasant

Hi all, you may recall from my previous Good Morning Mr Pheasant blip that I painted Mr Pheasant as a bit of a "cool dude", well after azlee's comments I made the acquaintance of Mrs Pheasant . Initially she was just a bit upset that he was neglecting his household chores but I'm afraid things seem to be taking a turn for the worse.

She's been round another couple of times since then and although I know it's in a womans' makeup to worry unnecessarily I must admit to noticing strange behaviour from Mr Pheasant myself.

He seems to be spending an unhealthy amount of time just skulking around at the base of the bird table. At times he'll just stand there looking up at the seed feeder. As soon as a bird lands on it he gets a bit "twitchy", almost as if he's trying to frighten the bird off. I'm surmising that it's not because he doesn't want the bird to feed, but I believe that he's worked out that it's generally when a bird flies off that there's the greatest chance of seeds being dislodged.

We also have a wire mesh nut feeder, now this doesn't tend to drop any nuts but although it also attracts the smaller birds like the seed feeder, it does attract some big birds and they are messy feeders. When the jackdaws, jays or magpies are on this he gets into a positive frenzy running round gobbling up the fallen food.

This morning though I think he finally cracked - there he was as usual underneath the bird table looking up waiting for food to fall from the sky, but there were no birds visiting at that time so he took a leaf out of the hungry vultures book ("Be patient? I'm hungry. Let's kill something.") and flew up onto the bird table, unfortunately he's not yet worked out how to get onto either of the feeders. I'm sure he's now currently pondering how he can crack this problem.

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