Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

The Return of Lost Things Day...

...a good Monday, but almost not.

It was a day for the return of lost things. The first, my favourite suit jacket lost many weeks ago by the dry cleaning company, causing many private tears and tantrums on my part. It finally turned up - thanks to a very efficient, eagle-eyed and "proud-of-my-operation-so-nothing-gets-lost-on-my-watch" manager. Bless her.

The second was this folder. Lost thanks to my rushing around too much, but catastrophy as it had all my travel docs and papers for my trip to London, which commences at the sparrow-burp tomorrow morning. So heaps of blessings on the very lovely woman at City Cabs who tracked it down and dispatched driver with folder to a very relieved me. Thank you, thank you.

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