Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok


Indeed, those are the greenish bamboo curtains of our living room, viewed from the top of our vintage speakers. Not very interesting start for a project of taking one photo per day. Well, at least I have a fair change to improve myself.

Got to know these pages through a friend and liked the idea. Thought I could do that also. Take some stills from my home, from my daily commute to work, doing some interesting stuff or using weird gear from my hobbies. Started wondering is it really possible to keep on going day after day. Have some nice ideas, which to use. Throw yourself in to the moment and take photos that at least someone can think as interesting ones. How long this can continue? Until the next summer? Over an year? Until something big happens? For the rest of my life?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see..

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