One woman cottage industry.

If you didn't see it already, I backblipped for yesterday...

Order of service ...done...designed, printed, stuck together, folded and tied up ready to go!
Place cards ...done...designed, printed, cut out (annoying perforations), folded, put into envelopes by table...ready to go.
Music - chosen. Just need to burn it onto a CD.

Done 12 hours wedding prep today. I spent less time revising for my exams when I was at school. Explains a lot really.

Rant Number 1:
Our broadband died last night. It wasn't unexpected - BT have been upgrading the service in this area and we were warned of intermittent faults. However, intermittent is not from 9pm last night to 3pm today! I rang them at 10am centre in India somewhere. After explaining to the gentleman on the end of the phone that I had followed all of the technical procedures (switch off, unplug, re-plug etc) and that I suspected it was a line fault, he then started reading from his script. I lost my rag and put the phone down. He rang back and said "I think we were disconnected" I replied - "Yes we were, because you weren't listening to me so I hung up!" and I hung up again.

Some time later, after a couple of cups of tea and fortifying cigarettes, I braced myself for another phonecall to them. This time the gentleman actually listened to me and accepted that I had the intelligence required to clearly have checked all of the equipment. We tried a number of other potential solutions. Of course, all of the time, I know its a fault with BT. After half an hour, line tests and other shenanigans, he then said ..."Oh it looks like it is a fault at the exchange. I'll report it now, but it could take up to 48hours to fix it" I thanked him (because the alternative was to become rude and abusive) and lamented the loss of my internet connection.

Imagine my surprise then, whilst on the phone to my cousin this afternoon, to see the little blue broadband light suddenly appear on the router - I actually shouted down the phone something like "Yay, my broadband's back!". Poor Simon.

BT then sent an automated phone message an hour later to tell us it was back on. Then they rang half an hour after that to tell me the same thing.


Rant number 2:
It's not like we didn't send "Save the date" cards out. It's not like we didn't get a confirmation card to say "yes we'd love to come and we've put the date in our diary". So, after I have paid, done seating plan version 7, printed everything out, laminated it, mounted the table plans onto a large A1 card mount, made it look's a bit flipping late, 6 days before the event, in reply to a text from me that said "you still ok for next weekend, looking forward to seeing you" to get the reply "Sorry, lost my phone with all of my contacts, who is this, and given that we are going to Thailand on Thursday, then no for next weekend". W.T.F?!?!?
Seating plan version 8 has now been done, printed.......................if people don't turn up, I don't care anymore.

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