Porty Girl!!!

By portyg


Saw a crowd on the promenade on way to shops. Lots of dogs about. I saw someone in the water with what I thought was a red wetsuit on. He was up to his oxters, bending forward and shouting, waving, and whistling. Strange, I thought. Then I looked further out - in the distance was a black head bobbing out to sea. It didn't seem to know which direction to go, and was struggling against the tide. The young boy in the photo came running and shouting. Behind him came the woman ?his mum, but obviously,she was the dog's master, cos he immediately turned towards her shouting his name, and started slowly returning to the shore. The poor man who had waded in didn't even get a thankyou, despite being soaked. The boy said that the dog had went into the water to catch a ball. The other boxers seemed happy to see him. You could not distinguish the dog in the shots that I'd taken when he was further out.

Mr P then bought me an Ecuador Magnum- yum yum.

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