
By elleelle


I am going through my camera and posting some quick shots, whether I really like them or not. I have TOO MANY missed blips (verified by my Statistics).

I noticed the sunset on the tracks a few days ago. Today, decided to try for a shot. When I say this was a quick shot, I mean it was VERY quick. I am currently stopped at the top of the bridge during a somewhat high traffic time. I waited until I had about 1/4 of a mile of distance between me and the car behind me, but I had very little time to get it. I am also shooting through my car and out of the passenger window. The reason there is very little of the tracks showing is because I had to crop out part of my car, the railing, and the power lines. As soon as I get the courage, I will walk to the top of this bridge to get it. I guess that will be the day I become an Extreme Blipper.

Yikes! I need to clean my lense!

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