Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Sore paw

Wow, I'm cutting it fine tonight - 7 minutes later and this would have made it as my first ever back blip.

Fudge has had a sore paw today and has been limping a bit :-( He is leaning on the sore one in this photo. However, it didn't stop him walking to my mum and dad's this afternoon in the pouring rain with Kerr and the pram. He also managed to find a fully wrapped Twix on the pavement and scoff the lot, including the wrapper! Typical lab.

Kerr has had a bit of an upset tummy today, and I think I have changed about 8 dirty nappies, lovely. Kerrsdaddy is away in Edinburgh at a 2 day international conference on 'Ruby'. I did get excited at first thinking it was to do with jewellery, but sadly no - I think it is a computer language or something similar.

Seeing as I am home alone tonight, my friend came over and we got takeaway and watched The Lovely Bones. I am now feeling a bit freaked out and am therefore going to look around on the internet before going to sleep, to hopefully prevent nightmares.

It's now 11.57pm so I better post this, for some reason I don't want to back blip just yet. Night folks, have a great weekend blippers :-)

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