Brought to you by the letter C

By thegeneous


Every once in a while I decide to quite caffeine; a decision that is always accompanied by two weeks of headaches and a shorter than usual temper. I always end up coming back anyway; sometimes I just feel like something warm to drink and coffee is ... easy.

Do you remember the first time you tried coffee? It may not have been the first time, but the first time that I remember was in second grade. There was some sort of evening function at the school, and being left to my own devices I poured myself a cup of coffee (probably to impress some long forgotten friend). It wasn't too bad ... after it was mixed 50/50 with cream and sweetened with a couple teaspoons of sugar.

Since then I've weaned myself from the cream and sugar. I enjoy a nice strong black coffee, an espresso, or like I chose this morning, an Americano. Although I think they shorted me a shot this morning, this tastes much too watery!

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