Sqeek Against The Night

By SqeekyJojo

The Innocent Sleep

Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast

Shakespeare, Macbeth Act II Scene 2

When awake, she's capricious, stubborn, argumentative and mercurial in her moods. She reads my University coursework and uses it in her SATS workbooks - just so long as the class isn't boring. She wants a microscope for her birthday. As well as a Hello Kitty T-Shirt.

If you told her it was raining, she'd have to go outside and check before she even considered agreeing with you, and even so, it would take a flood of biblical proportions to persuade her to consider taking an umbrella.

But this is a rare occasion. Firstly, she isn't watching CSI, NCIS or Scrubs. She is on the settee beside me. Most significantly, she isn't arguing.

It's worthy of a blip because this never happens. And I don't want to move.

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