Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

A Question Of Philosophy.

Niamh is a bar girl in Joes, and also a "Stewdent".

A couple of years ago, Niamh wanted to be a cop.

I did my bit to make sure that didnt happen...

Why drop beauty into shit?

Back to the point....

It seems to me that Blippers are a cut above when it comes to the grey matter.

Niamh has an essay to do.

There is only so much Aristotlean discussion I can do, so...

The essay title is...

"The central attempt of Pre-Socratic thinking was to rationally account for the nature of the universe without recourse to the Gods. Was this a success? Write an essay outlining this attempt, referring to at least two thinkers you have encountered on the course"

I can imagine several tinkers she has encountered on the course, at least one of them indentured, but I shall say no more...permanent record, and all that.

(there is a sick Irish joke, which none of you will get.)

"Cad a cheapainn tu mar an buachaill sin?"
("What do you think of that lad there?")
"Ni cheapim."
(pronounced "knee-cap him")

Give Niamh a dig-out, if you can...

at niamhkav24@gmail.ie

Any abusers will be hunted down, and, of course, knee-capped.

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