Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Giant octopus?

First of all a huge thanks to all of you who viewed and commented on my 100th blip yesterday. It certainly felt very special and I'm already looking forward to the next one :-)

In an hour or so my red balloon will be gone so it's back to reality now. Today was a great day weather-wise so me and a few colleagues went out for a lunch walk near the Stadspark in Groningen. On the Campinglaan, which is the road that leads to the Stadspark camping site, I spotted this tree. Someone had already spotted it before me obviously and had properly 'decorated' it.

A funny and sunny image (which should not have been taken at ISO 200 really but by the time I noticed that it was too late to return); not bad for number 101!

Tomorrow night there will be no time for commenting; I will be enjoying an evening in the theatre with Martine; we're going to see Dolf Jansen, a Dutch comedian. More fun coming up in the weekend: a blipmeet with powerplanter! Looking forward to it already!

I hope to reply to all your lovely comments on my 100th blip but it might take some time...

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