
By mar

It's time to play the music

It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
t's time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight.

~The Muppet Show

Hands up, who has that song stuck in their head now?

Today has been a day of paperwork and negotiations so I blipped around the house.

First, I've completed 90% of my Uni app, missing 10% would be information that is on my passport. My missing passport. I'm not too worried as I'm sure it's in the house and I found my updated passport so can travel to the states with no issue. Getting back would be a bit different. I'm sure it'll turn up.

Second, I managed to negotiate a deal with First News to get Charlotte's school 12 copies, the Bridgnorth library and Charlotte a copy each for 40% off. This all came about on Monday at the PTFA when the Head ask us to pay for a 12 copy subscription. I/we agreed but I asked for time to research it a bit. I thought the price of £376 was justifiable, but knew there was room for a discount. I popped into the library to get a copy to review when I found out they couldn't afford the subs. This is when I rolled up my sleeves and with the help from Linda and Stu - got in touch with First News Editor with a pleading email. But it's a win win situation for all as the PTFA will pay £351 for all 14 copies but then the Friends of the Library (which I'm on :-)) will pay the PTFA £20. Plus, since the library will have a copy hopefully more people will be introduce to it and it'll promote it even more (especially after I contact the local paper to do a story on it).

This pocket-collection is a minor snap of The Muppet Collection*. This display cabinet holds some of the more rarer items and the only thing I brought with me from the states - the Statler and Waldorf Sigma Bookends. Some of the other items include: other rare Sigma items, Champagne bottle (full) from Jim Henson to employees, Animal and Kermit Pelham puppets (which there are only 5 as Jim never approved them), and a Kermit dollar bill.

Michael met and stayed in contact with Jim Henson since he was young and is still in contact with his family (hence him being on some of their movie sets and us getting to go to Sesame Street and the Creature Shop). If you ever watch the newer The Muppet Show DVD, turn on Muppet Morsels - they were all done by Michael. He was asked by Disney to work on series 2 but we just didn't have time.

Again, just ignore the dust.

* I couldn't begin to tell you how large the collection is. But it has been labelled the largest collection in the world by Disney and Jim Henson Company.

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