The real deal.

By antshannie

aunt shannie.

this is my niece Olivia. Shes 4, will be 5 in June.
I love and treat her as if she was my own, with a few exceptions cause i'm Aunt Shannie and I'm COOL! :) lol.
I have an Aunt Sandy (who is one of my best friends) and when I was little she would always tell my friends.." Hi, Im cool Aunt Sandy!" LOL that i'm an aunt X2, I want to be known as 'COOL AUNT SHANNIE' and so far I think its working! ;)

Anywho..I bought her Chocolate scented bubbles..she loved them! :)
Cant wait til her sister Makenzie is old enough to understand the gifts I buy for her...
i'll post a pic of her soon!

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