
By schlimm

It's gone!

I'll have to apologise for the quality of this blip but it was taken out of the bus window in sheer amazement.

This is the place where the Bell Tower (donated by Bell Whisky) used to stand in front of the Usher Hall. For the last week I'd seen it being wrapped up and partially dismantled and I'd thought that maybe it was being moved but it's gone. Nothing left to suggest that it ever stood there apart from its foundation and the hole in the ground.

Will it reappear in front of the Usher Hall once the work's completed? I hope so, I liked it despite its squareness.

B not well and at home today which was just as well since I spent as little time as possible with the girls so that neither I nor them could get too excited, loud and shouty. Went to bed at 9 extremely tired only to wake up again at 6 next morning. Must be the "Fruehjahrsmuedigkeit", tiredness of spring...

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