Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Tree abloom!

This is my view out my front window. During the winter, the tree is completely bare and you can see the front door. My new neighbor was delighted a month ago to see a couple of fushia blossoms appear....I told her the whole tree would be bright pink by spring! And so it is! By summer, it will be all green and bushy and we will not feel like our neighbors are looking into our windows anymore.

I took many pictures of the ugliest hummingbird I've ever seen! I thought it was just the shadows, but when I downloaded them and zoomed in, yikes! he was not the colorful guy I'd expected. here

I got an hour walk in this afternoon. :) Saw lots of [colorful] hummingbirds....I'll have to take my camera next time.

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