Someone from Hungary

By skiroom


We spent the last week-end in the countryside, in "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg" County, which is the poorest part of the country, very close to the border of Ukraine. We took part in a traditional event, when some families come together and kill a swine and process the different part of it. The Hungarian word is "disznótor", unfortunately I have not found any English word.

In countryside of Hungary you can find small buildings near to the main one. These small buildings are small kitchens and they are to cook in, in summertime. So the name of them is "nyárikonyha" which means "summer kitchen".

What you can see on the picture is a "stelázsi", that is a very-old type of oven. You can put the wood (the fire) to underside of it and the pot to the top. It is told that the food made on or in this "stelázsi" are much more delicious than in a modern one. And that is true, I tried it....

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