Rodents rule

By squirk


I had a fantastic day in the sun and I fear I may have been toned pink to punish me for basking for an hour or so. The sun-worshipping took place at Keats House in Hampstead, which I had all to myself for a wee while. It was strange wandering through the rooms without other visitors to keep me company, but I enjoyed taking my time over the objects on display and the views from the rooms. Almost as soon as I found my sunny spot on a bench in front of the house, the place started to fill with visitors - perhaps it's a place to stop after lunch.

Leaving my bench, I walked up to Wells Walk, where Keats used to stay with his brother, then walked the few miles to Euston through well-to-do Hampstead and the estates of Archway, but I had to stop at Camden Lock to visit Stables Market, which was a-throng with people, colours, shiny things and smells. I almost came away unscathed, but couldn't resist a bag of warm cinnamon doughnuts - yum! Further south at Mornington Crescent, a Thai supermarket caught my eye and I bought some fresh lemongrass and coriander for green curry. I also couldn't resist a tin of coconut meat in syrup (which was delicious). At Euston, the 68 bus was just about to close its doors, but raced on before it pulled away. So to home.

Omar spent the day in the sun on the lawn and was stared at by a curious scaredy-cat. The guinea pigs were in full mowing focus.

I spotted my first ladybird and butterfly today.

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