Family Dog

By Family_Dog


This little face toddled off to stay with his Nana (Yaya) and Grandad's (Gaga) on Friday afternoon and didn't toddle back again until Sunday lunchtime.


I was going to pretend that we were heartbroken and struggling for things to do, but obviously we had a thoroughly marvellous weekend.

Friday night was tea at Mitch & Tim's. Decadence from start to finish. Exactly what we needed. We staggered at home at 3am and I was excited about the long lie I was going to get.

Didn't happen - woke up at 8am and couldn't get back to sleep. Bum.

Saturday was spent lounging and playing tunes and going to the cinema (Alice in Wonderland 3D - yay) and eating burgers & chips at hamburger heaven and drinking and blethering at Al & Laura's engagement party at the Phoenix and then more drinking and blethering back at their after party. Oof.

Staggering home at 5am, all I could think of was my long lie in the morning.

Didn't happen - woke up at 9am and couldn't get back to sleep. Bum again. Am obviously completely wired up the wrong way after creating life. Pre-Arlo I slept like a teenager. Now I sleep like a weirdo.


Anway. Arlo came home, the living room quickly got back to the 'Total Bombsite' theme it normally sports, the moaning and running and jumping and near-tantrums and constant begging for Peppa Pig began and Bry & I sat on the floor tickling our little boy and rolling him around for pure entertainment and we knew that no matter how much fun we had without him, it was really, really good to have him back.

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