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wikipedia says:

Maadi is the least densely populated neighbourhood in Greater Cairo, and much of the town is inhabited by well-to-do Egyptians as well as expatriates. There is also a significant population of foreigners, including diplomats and Americans working for international corporations. In some parts of Maadi, most notably the buildings around Cairo American College, there is virtually no traffic noise and the abundant greenery bears little resemblance to most of the crowded areas seen in urban Cairo.

David77 says:

Maadi is a dump. Most jaunts around the streets are an exercise in survival from the massive amount of traffic. Pavements are few and far between; those that do exist have an impassable object dotted every ten meters, meaning you might as well walk on the road where you will be beeped at every fifteen seconds by taxi drivers desperate to extort as much money as possible from you. The abundant greenery is surrounded by so much dust and dirt, that it's about as pleasant to look at as a human turd, which you'll find in or near most green areas. Wild dogs are also prevalent in Maadi, as are kittens with eyes missing. Beggars line many of the busier streets and although are delighted with a small donation in exchange for a pack of hankies, nevertheless make you feel guilty when all you want to do is walk about and take some photos. Security guards and armed policemen are stationed on every street corner where they sit all day doing absolutely nothing except pissing against the walls and texting each other. They will however jump into action upon sight of a camera. Walking around Maadi, you will often experience an irresistible urge to punch someone, usually because they are staring at you. At night, you will often have to turn the volume on your TV up to drown out the sound of horns and idiots shouting at each other.

I'll leave it to you to decide which is more accurate.

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