waldorf and statler
waldorf..what this about statler?
statler...its bs..he's reminiscing about times gone by
waldorf...what's he saying?
statler....talking of times in Ireland when sex was illegal
waldorf...sex was illegal in ireland?
statler....no waldorf, I mean contraception, you could only have sex if you were making babies, the catholic church said so
waldorf...making babies!
statler....anyway in the story a group of over fifty irish women's libbers gathered together and went to northern Ireland to get them
waldorf..get what statler?
statler? anything they could get their hands on. the pill..condoms and other unspellable devices.. they are in the article
waldorf..i thought women's libbers didn't like men
statler ....they don't waldorf..this wasn't about men waldorf.. it was about women and the common good
waldorf...you're losing me now statler!
statler...good thing contraception weren't around in your mother's day
waldorf...why is that statler?
statler...forget it waldorf, let's head over and collect orchid
waldorf..how will we recognize her?
statler...she has that funny case she got in the 2 euro shop
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