Bath time

Daddy left for work at silly O clock
I woke up about 6am, womsie woke about 6:30, I woke Munchie up at 6:45!

Breakfasted and to nursery on time then into school. Spent the morning doing transition for my job after Christmas. No longer am I working alongside the year six teacher, instead I am . . . Going to be . . . The reception class teacher!!!!!!! Just a very slight change!
Lots to get by head around, but getting there slowly.

Let at lunchtime as planned and did battle with all the old dears by trying to get to the retail park! Parked, having nearly been reversed into twice by the same old dear!!!! Got food, got home. Did some work then went to collect the children. Narrowly missed having the front end of the car taken off by an idiot who just drove round a corner without stopping, even though they were joining the road I was on! A few choice words may have slipped out. Wom had had a great day, Munchie had not enjoyed her Christmas party because that scary man had been there!

Home, new Sarah and Duck, so very exciting. Wom did standing again. Bathtime was cute as they were playing push the ball to eachother. Facetimed daddy.

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