From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh no! Is this the end of life as we know it?

Well, I'm not suggesting we leave the planet if Blipfoto isn't working after the big upgrade tomorrow, but it might be nice to have an enforced 'Blip-holiday' anyway. I can think of a few places I'd like to be right now...

I am glad I am an Oracle System Admin person these days but the memories are still there from when I used to put software releases in and carry out all the required implementation steps on our old mainframe HR/Payroll system.

I'd just lose a weekend upgrading first the Grant Maintained Schools environment on the Saturday and would then go for the bigger council environment on the Sunday. No matter how much testing you did in other environments, something would crop up and you'd stare at the screen pulling your hair out and be as bald as a coot on Monday looking like someone who'd escaped from an asylum with wild staring eyes...

I'm not exaggerating (much) either! We have teams of people to do that these days with Oracle - a load of sweaty DBAs. Just as well that no one from work blips. I'd be taken out in front of the council house and flogged I think...

Anyway, I'm sure the Blipfoto upgrade won't be that bad! I'm a pessimist, remember? We will all be singing and dancing while holding hands here again before too long.

I was lucky enough to see this bit of the moon at 5:33 when I went out with an empty milk carton first thing. A car drove out of the avenue and slowed as it passed me. It probably looked as if my camera was trained up at Julie and Ian's bedroom window.

Go for a big one...

So, I will see you soon if :-

a) I haven't been arrested for being a peeping Tomasina.
b) I haven't been arrested for anything else (crime of passion!) - You never know!!
c) I haven't been run over by a bus/car/tractor/street sweeper/milk float/or bin truck.
d) Blipfoto is up and running!

Otherwise, it's been lovely knowing you all and I wish you all a wonderful trouble free Christmas and bright New Year in which to break more rules and resolutions.

Track? Well this is a pure classic that was mentioned by someone yesterday and now serves as a request, fitting in nicely with this moon - Fly Me To The Moon

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