Floats and their Bright Ropes

6.7C with a bright morning then cloud appearing in the afternoon. Light breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. We went down the road to the shore and down to the beach via the level crossing in the little field. Once on the beach we wandered along towards Easthaven, going as far as the burn before turning round and walking back to Westhaven. I found some more coloured pottery bits and pieces on the way.

By the time we got back to the fishermen's huts the cloud cover had arrived and the light was fairly flat. From a few close up shots I have chosen this one of some floats and their bright ropes.


Having had a look at the static page examples of the new Blipfoto which should appear after the data migration and reboot overnight I am not looking forward to the new white background or some of the restyling.

When I started with Blipfoto I uploaded a photo a day to another site in parallel for a while and chose to stay with Blipfoto principally because of the grey background. Whether I stay with the new Blipfoto beyond a trial period remains to be seen. My subscription has a while to run so I will give it a fair try.

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