
By diaspora

The bigger picture

Out walking the dog tonight I found myself gazing back at the city from the ridge over Island Bay. I was thinking that I had been quite busy recently. When we moved to NZ the plan was - and still is - that I would work part-time and flexibly. Partly so I could look after Morven (our nine year old), partly just to get a little more life in the work-life balance.

Back in the UK my work was pretty consuming. I loved it, but it completely dominated my life. And, although I worked with lots of really creative people, I don't have much time to be creative. I don't want that to happen here. I like being able to take a walk when I want to, looking after Morv, messing around with the dog, and spending time on my new, creative blipping obsession.

So this shot is just a reminder to myself, to keep the bigger picture in mind, and not to get lost in the demands of the city. Work is important...but life is bigger than work.

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