I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

3 generations came together tonight to watch the movie White Christmas, starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, and my favorite...Rosemary Clooney. We have watched it for SO many years that...every 5-10 minutes...someone recites the next line before the actor says it.

Before the cinematic fanfare began, we took a team photo. I set my camera on a bannister...self-timer set for a 5-shot flash sequence. (What I didn't know was that all 5 were going to be washed-out.)

Then, I was set to take a picture of our youngest movie-watchers. NO! NO! NO! I FORGOT TO TAKE OFF THE SELF-TIMER! 10...9...8...7...WAIT! A PHOTOBOMBER IS ENTERING THE FRAME!

The bomber is Shelley (Naturelover.) Also in the picture is her daughter, son-in-law, and 2 of her grandkids.

Traditions are fun. Traditions with good friends...even more fun.

Make sure you check out Shelley's White Christmas time warp blip. Yikes.

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