Earliest Blip?

About 12.45am, the lovely Dr Ruth at Treliske discharged the smallest boy. The peak absorption time had passed and he was showing no ill effects. In fact he was full of it and had a lovely time!

Considering how uncooperative he was when he had his thumb surgery, this young man was the model of perfect patient behaviour! He laid perfectly still for his ECG, didn't waggle his finger for his pulse check and even giggled at the blood pressure machine!

It's now 1.40am. We are home (3 in the bed) having dropped my wonderful friend Christine back home after 'babysitting' the others. I'll be adding an extra bottle of Bombay to my next shopping order I think ;-)

UPDATE it is now 1pm and all is well. We did oversleep (despite an assortment of alarms going off) which meant all 4 children were late for school and MrRoly was very late leaving for work! I've heard nothing from school so am working on "no news is good news" and cracking on with some college revision. Fingers crossed the rest of the day remains as calm...

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