Salt and sweet
That kind of a day. The kids, obviously, had totally forgotten this morning that they loathed me, and I did not rush to remind them. I painted the bathroom this morning (so nearly finished...) and shopped for DIY things. Mr B is having a night owl phase, so doesn't get up until 11 or so; and so we worked on our respective jobs until a slightly bizarre dinner (I have to leave during dinner prep for a 25 minute trip to collect CarbBoy from basketball (and order wine from the coach, as you do - like in all proper country communities, everyone has two jobs).
Then Atlantis, ordering stuff against a 30% off deadline, and Strictly catch up.
Tomorrow I really must finish the curtains...and the Christmas cards...and the bathroom...and carry on not falling out with anyone in my house and not asking why I was so objectionable yesterday when I seem quite popular today (it is entirely possible that the sulk gene runs strong in our family...must remember to ask Mam how she dealt with that...)
The photo is the remainder of the salted caramel truffles - the ones I couldn't be bothered to package up for sale. Tasty, and reassuringly un-sickly sweet - so you can eat loads!
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