Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Morning Glow, Coven

Woke up late after a sleepless night, at least it meant that I was driving to work just as the sun began to colour the sky to the east. The different types of sunrises never cease to fascinate me; this one started very subtly, under painting the clouds with little bits of pink, changing slowly into full on yellow and orange as the sun peeked above the horizon.

Technical: this needed a 3 stop ND Grad to control the sky. While I achieved a good exposure using this method the ground was very dark and could only just be recovered using Lightroom's basic sliders. I'd bracketed my exposures so re-processed using HDR. If you're interested I have posted this and the processed single image on Flickr so that you can see how the two techniques compare.

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