Messy day
Another day of chasing hares and getting nowhere. I seem to be massively inefficient at the moment - incapable of finishing one thing off before starting on something else.
This is the shelf above my kitchen sink. I see it often. The measuring jugs came from my Gran's house, and I like to look up and be reminded of her, and as she was an artist rather than a baker, I think she'd approve of their current use. However, when I went to find a shot tonight, I realised how I just see this, but don't look at it. There are a lot of brushes here - given that it's just supposed to be a temporary place for brushes to dry. I probably shouldn't have told the kids off for the messy state of the art drawer when they couldn't find any brushes at the weekend... since they were all up here. And that vanilla pod is probably dry now and can be stuck in some sugar. And I guess it probably wasn't Mr B who took my hairdressing scissors and hid them after all...
Time to start looking around a bit more!
The huge-agenda'd meeting at school went off quite smoothly. I was a stern Chair, intolerant of waffle and deviation, and we managed to finish in a record-breaking 90 minutes (instead of the allowed 2 hours). Not sure we achieved much, but that fits with the pattern of my day really.
Katherine, btw, reports that she is feeling much better, though I suspect that is largely to do with the horrible tasting medicine that she has to take this week. And for those who asked, the doctor did think it was Lyme Disease, but isn't so sure now.
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