Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Seat of yearning

On a rain-affected day, I was restricted to walking a few blocks close to my home.

On a similar day last week, I saw this house, which is sadly falling into disrepair, and the old metal chair on the porch. It seemed the obvious candidate for today's post.

The chair, like the house, has obviously seen better days and no doubt would wish for those days to return.

Riverside is designated as an historic district and it appalls me that properties can be left to get into this state of neglect, especially when home improvements are governed by strict rules. Fortunately, only a handful of properties are in this condition.

In Britain, the owners would be forced by the city council to repair the property or run the risk of losing it under a compulsory purchase order.

Jacksonville seems far more willing to tolerate blight or at least turn a blind eye to it. I guess individual rights outweigh community responsibility.

Zeiss Planar T* ZE 1,4/50.

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