Yes, OK, I am getting quite into this whole festive thing now! Maybe I'll even write a Christmas card or two later - though I never like to be too precipitate about this sort of thing.
This actually wasn't the shot I had thought I'd be blipping today - I was planning to contribute to Mono Monday as usual, and had taken a photo I was quite pleased with - but I thought I ought to take a quick look at this morning's bird shots before posting, and in the event I couldn't resist this little chap.
Again, this shot (and the other half dozen I've put on Flickr) were taken from inside the house, through a double-glazed window that was picking up all kinds of reflections; the feeders on the apple tree are also about 20 yards from the house, so even with the lens working at full stretch I've had to crop in on them quite heavily. Under those circumstances I don't expect a great deal - so to get this kind of detail has made me really happy with the quality of the Birthday Lens! :)
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