
By beckie

Skinny Cow

Good News and Sad news today, :o(

Tylers Hamster Woody had to go to the vets this morning, He had developed a big lump on his tummy. And the Vets had to put him down. He was getting quite old, and wasn't really his usual scatty self bless him.
Ty was very upset when i broke the news to him after school. And later told me that vets are rubbish, and I shouldn't have taken him there.
I did explain that he would have been in a bit of pain if we had left him, and so he is in a better place now running around in Hamster heaven, and wouldn't want him to be sad.

On a lighter note, Weigh in day and i've lost another 2lbs this week, and I am now at the same weight i was when I joined a Docs surgery in 2001 when i was expecting Tyler!
Really Happy! And would totally recommend Slimming World to anyone wanting to lose some weight. One of the best things i have ever done!!

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