This is Darcy. Such a beautiful girl and reminds me loads of our old dog Polly in her younger slimmer days.
Finished early today so we could go to Tobys nativity. He was a wise man. Each class did a separate piece. It was lovely and so impressed with some of the older kids who performed with so much confidence. Tobes had us in stitches as he sat there with his fingers in his ears when the older kids sang! I may replace this with a wise man picture if I ever get round to uploading anything off the proper camera.
Tonight it was Mikes work do. First one I've been to as last year he'd only been at his new place a few days before Christmas. We had a bit too much to drink, heckled the appalling mime artists and freaky man with glass ball thingy and danced to a very good band. Felt like the old Mr and Mrs EG. Both said we need to stop being so old and grumpy and start having fun again.
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