Lilja Guðm,

By loppa

Leaf bread

Laufabrauð (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈløːivaprøiθ], leaf bread) is a traditional kind of Icelandic bread that is most often eaten in the Christmas season.[1] Originating from northern Iceland but now eaten throughout the entire country,[1] it consists of round, very thin flat cakes with a diameter of about 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches), decorated with leaf-like, geometric patterns and fried briefly in hot fat or oil.[2]

Laufabrauð can be bought in bakeries or made at home, either with ready-made dough or from scratch;[1] patterns are either cut by hand or created using a heavy brass roller, the laufabrauðsjárn ("leaf bread iron").[2] Leaf bread making at home is usually a family undertaking and often an essential part of the Christmas preparations, where several generations gather and take part in the decorating.[3]

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