Amazing to see the blue sky in the morning. So different again from yesterday's dark one.
A sudden idea had come up during the night, not very world changing but a practical one. So I cycled first to the Madestein and Uithof parks, how awfully long ago it had been that I had gone there, due to weather and busy tasks. From there the Gamma shop is not far and I bought my tin of paint, a wonderful bright blue for my desk that is now very grey and sombre. When I came home I immediately cleaned and painted it and I like what I see.
Piet Hein had gone to the sea, he simply adores to walk along the beach and see then horizon in the far distant.
Then we went to Mischa's apartment. She was on a training;s weekend and we did some little tasks there.
My walk when we had finished there lead me to the ponds, and as I am always fascinated by reflections I tried different ones for my blip.
And of course I visited the geese who had performed in my blip of yesterday and they were happy to see me and enjoyed the oatflakes as well.
Just before dinner Mischa came home from her adventurous days, she shared the meal with us and loved to tell about it.
Now she is gone again and I post my blip and hope to catch up tomorrow again, because I feel rather tired. Those winter december days seem to eat away my energy, mostly in the evening I notice.

My haiku:

The water surface
Hides big secrets underneath
Known only by me?

And the quote by Robert Browning in Andrea Del Sarto:

Less is more.

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