The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

Our beautiful Elsa.

Caitlin had a birthday party to go to today, so my very good friend gave her her birthday pressie a few days early, an Elsa dress. Needless to say she was ecstatic!! I believe the party was a huge success. Thanks to the birthday girls.

She's not been right and been feeling sick, but hopefully 24hrs with mummy has helped her. Not great to see your child crying her eyes out because she misses me. 'Why does daddy have me all week but only get to see you for a day?' was asked last night whilst trying to calm her. She fully understands the situation, but its hard for an almost 7 yr old to grasp. She is an amazing child with all this going on. Some people may see just an emotional child, but doubt any other would deal with this as well as she has.

JimJam update.
Yesterday saw JJ on oxygen as she was struggling. Her chest xray confirmed that more than likely she had an infection, so back onto anti bs again. Drs reckon her high temps were caused by her cells having a fight. (She had a DLI stem cells top up a few weeks ago and its caused a reaction . She's had an injection which I believe calms it all down. Will no doubt have a word with our lovely consultant to have more details tomorrow. Today she seems much brighter, which is a relief. Her temps have remained under 38 which is great. Let's hope this continues!! We want to be home for christmas!!!


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