
By mar

It's a miracle that curiosity survives formal educ

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
~Albert Einstin

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Spent the day at college today as the EV was in all day. All went well, actually very well. So well, I felt confident enough to hand in my A1 Assessor portfolio for final submission. Yay! Apparently, I also was enrolled on the Cert Ed course with an introduction this Saturday. It all happened so fast, but there was a cancellation and my new boss pulled a few strings.

Unfortunately, the EV went a little bit longer then I thought, so Charlotte had to be picked up by my Mother-in-Law which normally wouldn't have been an issue, but she had a meeting with the Mayor. But Charlotte enjoyed going to the Mayor's office (although she apparently got a bit miffed when he made a comment about 'All American's love to sue' ... he quickly apologized after she folded her arms and glared sharply before saying 'Excuse me? But I'm 1/2 American and my mom is American and WE don't sue!'). That's my girl :-)

After leaving work, I went straight to Parent's Evening with Michael. We were delighted to hear how well she is doing, although some of the progress was just good, not great (teacher happy with the results, not us...). But we couldn't deny that she was brilliant with both science and reading as normal is 3C/3B and she is 4A - higher achiever for the year above her! (Her others are all 'just' higher achiever... we're a bit pushy I suppose :-) ) She is often the child that 'thinks outside the box' and can translate lessons for everyone to understand.

When we got home and everything settled down, she then told us she was picked to represent her school for a track and field event next Friday.

Yup, we're proud parents :-)

Now if we can only get her to cut with scissors ... seriously

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