Meet The Neighbours

Up before the crack of dawn to get the transfer from the hotel to the airport – which takes about 30 seconds but isn’t something you could do on foot with all the cases.

After having to deal with the ultra picky security staff (all 4 of us had our bags pulled over for stupid things ..... like having the wee bottles of shampoo etc in a zip lock bag that wasn’t an ‘official’ one. No, it was much stronger but the same size. But it looked like everyone was having the same problem so I don’t know if there was a work to rule but there was certainly an airport full of pissed off passengers.
A nice bottle of whisky was purchased for consumption in the cabin and then it was off for a big breakfast since we hadn’t arranged for food on the plane.

L & H were not sitting with us so there was no laughs and jokes – but there was a nice surprise when the fizzy wine was handed out and we found that that free food and drink was part of the deal for more leg room (sorry folks, but there were no wee umbrellas being served in the booze). It made for a much more bearable flight but the back is still buggered.

Off the plane in Barbados and it was a rather pleasant 28C.

We were the first bus out of the airport and at the boat. Technology let the side down when 3 machines failed to read my passport. I was beginning to panic, but it turned out to be a power connection problem, Lots of happy smiling people – apart from the sour puss on the x-ray scanner.

We all went for a wander round the ship and SWMBO and I were able to point out most places (including the best bar. (Once again – sorry....... no umbrellas in the mojito. I will try again tomorrow) since we have been on the boat before.

Before we went for our evening meal we all went back to the cabins to freshen up and unpack.

One of our cases wasn’t there and my electronic key had stopped working so it was off to the reception desk. The key was replaced and I was told it could take a while to get all the bags delivered.

After dinner – still no case, so back down to reception. As soon as I described it (large, white with big butterflies on it) it was handed over to me. It turns out the tag with the cabin number had come adrift. Probably at the same time as one of the wheels was removed!!!!!. However, I was assured that there was a seaman on board with the tools and skills to fix it (the wheel was available at the desk). So tomorrow it is going to see an Indonesian seaman. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

The picture is one of the other 'cruise ships' just coming into dock - ours doesn't have the character.

It is now the middle of the night according to my body clock (4 hour time difference) and I am knackered so ................. night night.

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