
By WeeDragon_J

Too High

Got some washing done, usually Monday is washing day, but out in the foodbank van tomorrow. And a quick shop for me, wasn't paying attention, even picked up the wrong Sunday paper, grumph!

Blip of my stairwell, I asked my neighbour's window cleaners if they would do my windows while they were at it, and to do this window inside in the stairwell that I just cannot reach. And this window hasn't been cleaned properly since the workmen had been in and before that, many years before. With all that rain, the outside didn't need much, but still had the roof grime stuck to it, now can see out better :-)

Next sometime to find a joiner to put up some wood and a curtain-rail, need to choose curtains yet, me and ladders don't go and it's on the stairs too so even more scary.

Much warmer today outside but still pretty dreich.

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