
Lots of lovely sparkles outside this morning. Just gorgeous!
Another busy day!
I was up early to get another load of washing on, another load of washing up done, Miss L dunked in the bath for a very overdue hairwash, a sneaky half hour in the bath myself and a rush to get to Miss E's fifth birthday party.
It was a lovely party - yummy tea, chocolate biscuits, a funny magician and lots of nice mums and dads to talk to. Excellent!
While we were out Mr K and Miss E took the bus into Buckingham to look at cars.
Miss E was giddy to go on the bus apparently!
I didn't have high expectations that Mr K would actually buy anything so I was very pleasantly surprised when they pulled up on the drive in a new second hand car. It's black and shiny!
Later on we went to look at the house that I went to see the other day. We're not really ready to go ahead with a purchase but I wanted Mr K to see it and feel motivated about getting things moving.
The Little Misses loved it. The agent didn't seem too impressed with their antics but was doing that funny thing of pretending to love children while obviously wanting to lock them in the cupboard!!
Anything for a sale!
I popped to Tescos on our return to buy a suitcase. My panic over the packing is reaching epic proportions.
But not enough to make me get on with it rather than sitting in front of Strictly and X-Factor.

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