Sleepy girl

Last night was yuck.
This morning wasn't much better as it started at 5:30! Given my lack of sleep I feel I've survived today and it's not been too bad.

Ballet completed and trip to croissant shop to get breakfast and order christmas food. Home, Munchie fell asleep on the sofa so was taken up to bed. Woke her for lunch, which she demolished.

I took Wom and auntie Sarah to a beautiful place called the hop pocket to do some Christmas shopping. Got a few more bits and some non essential bits. Daddy and Munchie went into town and another place to get bits and pieces. Munchie was full of her adventure with daddy.

Home. Tea completed. Played. Bath. Both in bed by 7:30, auntie Sarah came round and daddy and I went up to pub for a drink and tea. Lovely to go out, see people I havebt seen in ages and spend some time with Lee. Got home and neither child had made a peep.

Off to family Christmas do tomorrow, daddy is going shooting with uncle john and I'm picking him up on the way, just got to find the place!

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