
While I was taking a picture of this lamp, on my way to work, the owner of the stall looked angrily at me. I turned round and said to him that I was just taking a photo of the lamp. He replied angrily that he had to open the stall. I was in no way in the middle of anything or preventing them from having any customers. I was actually at a small distance just taking the photo! Anyway...

I'll tell you something, if I ever want to treat myself to an overpriced waffle from the Christmas market, I won't buy it there. He needs to get his grumps sorted, this man! End of rant.

On a much nicer note though, today I received a Christmas card from the lady who owns the B&B I stayed in a year ago, in Dufftown, during the summer. A lovely surprise! :)

The rest of my day went fine. The weather was cold and dry for most part of the day and work was busy.

I was thinking of maybe going out but I decided to stay in in the end.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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